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Communication Patterns in Serverless [Podcast]

AWSArchitecturePodcastDaily Email

I’ve published a few articles recently on the topic of communication patterns within serverless applications. It’s an area where serverless can really shine, but it also takes some time to get used to, especially for folks with less experience in working with distributed systems.

Jeremy Daly very kindly invited me onto the Serverless Chats podcast last week where we dived into this area in more detail. The episode just went live this morning.

He also recorded the video of our chat (thankfully before my home office was taken over by my eldest daughter!), so you can check it out on YouTube.

Here are the different links to the episode:

And here are the links to my articles that Jeremy and I discussed:

I hope you find our chat useful.

— Paul

Originally published .

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Free Email Course

How to transition your team to a serverless-first mindset

In this 5-day email course, you’ll learn:

  • Lesson 1: Why serverless is inevitable
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  • Lesson 3: How to compose the building blocks that AWS provides
  • Lesson 4: Common mistakes to avoid when building your first serverless application
  • Lesson 5: How to break ground on your first serverless project

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