Setting boundaries in your serverless application

AWSArchitectureSoftware EngineeringDaily Email

Arguably the main job of a software architect is drawing boundaries in the right places.

We love to discuss the why, when and how of splitting things up — monorepo vs multi-repos, single vs multi-table DynamoDB models, the pros and cons of Domain-Driven Design and fat vs single-purpose Lambda functions.

A case in point is this Twitter poll I ran last week about a particular hybrid style of serverless architecture that sparked a few interesting threads:

Twitter poll results on serverless architecture style

As you can see from the poll results, opinions were split. Here’s a selection of questions and observations from the replies:

  • “Do all Lambda functions talk to a single shared database schema?”
  • “Are there multiple bounded contexts within the system?”
  • “Are there any asynchronously triggered Lambda functions?”
  • “Are all Lambda functions in the same monorepo?”
  • “The separation of functions allow for some fine-grained scaling and security benefits, but all business concerns are tightly coupled and can not be deployed, managed, or scaled independently.”
  • “Microservices architecture deployed monolithically”
  • “Monolith because an entire api should probably be split in to domain specific serverless.yaml”
  • “Wouldn’t you say it’s a microservice if the single API serves a single, concise purpose?”
  • “Monolith probably doesn’t fit, but is it otherwise a single “micro”-service?”
  • “This is almost a hybrid of standard application deployment with microservice infrastructure.”

Of course, being the internet there were a few snarky condemnations for not following their favoured dogma in its purest form.

The terminology doesn’t really matter but understanding your context well does

While having a concise name to describe a high-level architectural pattern is nice, it’s not the most important thing. Building a system that’s valuable to its users and sustainable in the long term is.

To do so, you need a strong appreciation of the entire context in which the system will be built and operated. But there are so many complicating factors within this context that will influence any boundary-drawing decisions you make. Let’s look at several questions you’ll need to consider:

  • Organisational constraints:

    • How many engineers are available to work on the project team?
    • Will there be more than one engineering team working on the project?
    • Could these engineers potentially be working on other projects simultaneously? And will they be the ones supporting it into production?
    • How familiar is the team with general DevOps practices?
    • How familiar is the team with the main AWS serverless services?
    • Are application developers full-stack or are front and back-end developers primarily separate roles?
  • Project/Application constraints:

    • How well defined is the problem domain and its associated user stories at the project outset?
    • What is the projected growth of the application?
    • What time pressures are there on project delivery?
    • What in-house legacy systems do we need to integrate with?
    • What third-party services do we need to integrate with?
    • Are there any special low-latency requirements?
    • Does sensitive user data need to be processed or stored?

There are a lot of questions I haven’t stated and many questions will lead to further questions. And so on.

No two custom software development projects are the same, so why do many folks try to fit a system into their preferred strict architectural style? Which leads me to my main point…

Cherry-picking aspects of mono, micro and nano is a valid approach

In fact, this is my standard approach when starting a new greenfield project.

Neither monoliths nor microservices (nor nanoservices) have “won” the argument for the best architecture style to build production software systems. So being a dogmatic adherent to one over the others is doing a disservice to the rest of your project team.

While you will probably have a preference for one style, you don’t need to go all-in on it, especially at the start of a project. I’m sure the architect who starts out by creating separate Git repositories and CI/CD pipelines for every individual single-purpose Lambda function is a nice guy but I cannot envision any project in which this would ever make sense.

On the other hand, you could initially identify a few bounded contexts and keep them in their own separately deployable service but still store them all in a single monorepo. Or you might start with a single CI/CD pipeline that deploys all the services together but at a later stage you can work on giving each service their own pipeline.

These are perfectly good decisions provided they’re made with the understanding of the trade-offs in your own context.

There’s that context word again…

— Paul.

Originally published .

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Free Email Course

How to transition your team to a serverless-first mindset

In this 5-day email course, you’ll learn:

  • Lesson 1: Why serverless is inevitable
  • Lesson 2: How to identify a candidate project for your first serverless application
  • Lesson 3: How to compose the building blocks that AWS provides
  • Lesson 4: Common mistakes to avoid when building your first serverless application
  • Lesson 5: How to break ground on your first serverless project

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