Adam Elmore

Serverless in startups, small teams FTW and the future of app development (podcast)

A few weeks ago, I guested on Adam Elmore’s podcast along with Dax Raad and the episode has just been published.

Unlike a lot of the big company experiences that seem to get a lot of airtime in the AWS community, all three of us have a bias towards working with smaller companies and startups. This informs a lot of our opinions on how dev practices and tooling should look. So if this angle jives with you, you might enjoy this episode.

Topics we discussed:

  • Our thoughts on GraphQL (with and without AppSync) and specifically what Dax has been working on recently at Serverless Stack in this area
  • “Why are so few funded startups using serverless?”, which I wrote and tweeted about a few weeks back
  • What we think the future of serverless app development might look like.

My favourite quote in the episode was this from Dax about the value of serverless to particular types of startups today:

“I think if you’ve been through the startup cycle a few times, you’re not as worried about ‘can I even get a product up?‘. You’re more worried about how do I prevent my company from being a terrible place to work out in year two, year three. And I think those are the people today that are interested in serverless because it is a path to helping that.”

👉 Go here to listen to the episode in your player of choice and view the transcript (48 minutes long).

And if you enjoyed this episode, I’d really appreciate you sharing it on your social media platforms of choice.

— Paul

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